Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074

Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074

Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074


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How much is the average vet visit? and Is it worth it to get pet insurance?

I have inherited a Saint Bernard Puppy (7 months old). We got him 2 days ago and have a vet visit on friday just to get him caught up on shots and the regular wellness exam. I have no idea what to expect as far the cost of the visit will be i'm planning for the $200 range? Am I way off is it going to be more? Also does anyone have pet insurance and if so is it worth looking into? Which one would you recommend? I know alot of questions in one but I just need a little guidance. Thanks for your help.



Insurance rate about traffic violations question?

Ok so ive gotten 6 tickets since ive gotten my licenese about 8 months ago. Got the tickets on 3 different occasions. Yes I am a dumbass and will never conduct a traffic violation again because of my last incident. Ok so heres my question will 2 underage drinking charges, having open liquor in a motor vehicle, not being able to provide owndership, public intoxication, and tresspassing affect my insurnace if the motor vehicle being involved is checked off on the tickets? I know the open liquor charge will forsure. But what about the other ones? Your answer are much appreciated



If you take drivers ed online, will it still reduce your insurance cost?

I am fifteen almost sixteen and i want to take drivers ed online instead of during the school year. If i take it online will it still reduce my insurance cost? I also live in the state of Montana.



How to calculate california disability insurance?

How to calculate california disability insurance?



What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in ohio?

I'm thinking about moving to Gnadehutten Ohio into a 3 bedroom mobile home, but I am worried the home owners insurance will cost me an arm and maybe a leg????



Car Insurance, which one is best?

I am a 22 yr old, i am buying a truck tomorrow an 04 ford f150 and I was wondering what insurance place would be best for me. Ive never had car insurance before (I drove my dads old truck and made the payments and insurance payments but it was under my parents name so it would be cheaper) If anyone has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it!




Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?



Which company does the cheapest car insurance?

I have moved house and when I changed my address the Insurance company wanted an additional premium of 298. As you can imagine I cancelled the policy. I am now looking for a cheap insurer I have golf GTI (150) and my new post code is classed as higher risk. any ideas ?



S2000 insurance for a 16 year old male?

Im turning 16 in august and i was looking for a sports car and was looking into the ap1 s2000 or the mustang gt(2006+ v8 coupe) both are available for under $15,000 which my parents are giving me, but I am not sure which one i should get. Which one would you choose as a first car?( don't say get a beater because my mom wont let me get a car with over 80,000 miles). I was wondering what the insurance rates would be for both. just a little background info to help you think of how much the insurance would be. I'm a 16 year old male. under 3.0 GPA, about to take drivers ed.,and Live in GA. Also, are there any other quick convertibles or coupes worth considering(No miatas, and no new beetles please)



Is there such a policy that combines life insurance/investments/savings?

Maybe trying to get the best of all worlds but Im looking for a plan that has life insurance but the money i contribute is invested or accumulated for some sort of return.



Is this reasonable amount to pay for term life insurance?

Term Life 30 yrs, $150,000 at $36 monthly...I am 26 years old an in reasonable good health --- non smoker, no dieases, hospitalization (aside from pregnancy), and no alcoholism....if this isn ot reasonable please give me a range that I should be looking for....



About how long does it take to get plates for a new car through insurance company?

I just bought a new car and i have no plates for it. How long will it take for me to get the plates if I'll be registering through my new insurance company in MA?



If I am under my wife's health insurance plan, do i need to get my own insurance under Obamacare?

Currently, my kids and I are under my wife's health insurance plan. I heard that if we stay under her plans, we will be penalized once this Obamacare goes into effect.



If I finance a new motorcycle do I need full coverage?

I live in Texas, 19 years old. I am going to buy a new 2011 ninja 250. I have the cash to pay for it. But I'd rather have payments. Does Insurance in the state of Texas REQUIRE you to have full vehicle coverage on a FINANCED vehicle? Thank you!



I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?

I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?



How much would it cost to add me on my dads insurance to drive his car? UK?

The car is a 2001 peugeot 206, 1.4 engine Personal information: I'm 17. Work stacking shelves in a super-market. No previous criminal offenses/anything bad related to vehicles. I need the car to commute to college every day, work and the gym. (Need anything else? .. If so, Ill add details)



Consequences of not paying car insurance?

Im 19 years old, living by myself. My car insurance is $170 a month. I had not payed it in multiple months, and by October it was at $500, and foolishly I decided there was no way to pay it and I just left it alone until they cancelled my insurance. Have I totally F*cked my credit? To the point of no return? Also, will I be able to get another car insurance provider? Thanks..



What is the best type of life insurance to purchase?

I know nothing about life insurance but I would like to buy some to assure me and my kids will be taken care of in the event my husband passes. He only has one 1 issue which is Rheumatoid arthritis, otherwise in good health. . Me and my husband are both close to 50 years old. What is the best insurance to purchase? I know that term insurance expires. Does that mean if you do not pass within the term you do not get any money back that you have paid into it?. Thinking about a 250.000 dollar policy. Thank you.



AAA auto Insurance policy ?

I'm currently having auto insurance with AAA and my bro is going to get his car soon. If I can get both of our cars insured under 1 plan, would that be cheaper ? thanks



How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?

I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.



CHEAP car insurance in US?

I am trying to find car insurance because i am about to lease my own car but all of the places I have looked at are crazy expensive. I even got a quote of $300 a month from geico. The other places i checked were all for the UK. Can somebody help me and suggest a cheap place to try?!



About how much does full coverage auto insurance cost?

I'm just curious of how much a good estimate is. If you need a vehicle, try 2000 Honda civic.



When does car insurance go up in relation to an accident?

I was backing out of a parking space, and the car that was parked next to me was closer to me than I thought, and I scraped the side of their car as I backed out. I left my information, and filed a claim with the insurance. My car was fine, hers was scratched pretty significantly. Anyway, I'm wondering how car insurance works in terms of covering things like this & in terms of increasing rates after an accident . Do the rates go up regardless? Do they go up a lot? Or does it depend on the severity of the incident? FYI I have never had any moving vehicle accidents or tickets. Any help would be appreciated...I'm kind of in the dark!



How could the health insurance mandate not be constitutional?

Excerpt from: The founding fathers, it turns out, passed several mandates more



If I report an auto insurance claim under my comprehensive, does it count against me?

Not sure whether to report an damage to my vehicle. I estimate the cost to be about $ 500.00 +. My deductable is $ 500.00. Any info will help :)


Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074

Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074


What's the point of getting insurance?

It's not like the insurance companies ever pay you anything anyway.



How much will my car insurance be?

Im getting my own can insurance when i turn 18 in about a month, my parents are kicking me off there's i have had 3 tickets and i drive a 1998 toyota camry...



What is a good health insurance for age 19 and up?

at the moment i am 18 but will be turning 19 in 10 days...and i was wondering what is a good health insurance to apply to. i have Anthem Blue Cross Healthy Families. I am looking for something similar or almost similar...if someone could please help me. thank you soo much. ps if this helps i live in california....thank you again!!



I filed a claim with my insurance company and am now being charged a claim surcharge. Is this legal?

I've had a home-owner's and auto policy with Allstate for the last 4 years. The increase was labeled a claim surcharge. The surcharge is almost 500 dollars



How much is a female teen's car insurance in Virginia?

I'm trying to get one for my daughter and I was wondering if anyone can give me any heads ups.



The best health insurance?

im was wondering whats the best health insurance to get for some who is 19. someting that has eye vision to. i work but i dont have insurance from my job its along story so dont ask. i need something that is affordable. i live in southern california. any suggestions will do. this stuff is all confusing to me . copayment? or deductible? please help!!!



Lying about age to get car insurance?

Hello i was just wondering what would happen if i lied about my age only to get car insurance because my mom is having a hard time splitting an account with me and her on it but different payments. I only wanna pay mine, and she wants to pay hers.



How come insurance is almost double for 2 cars.?

I can't drive 2 cars at once, only one at a time. Therefore, the odds of causing an accident are the same as if I had one car. Why don't insurance actuaries know this?



Car shopping, when do I get the insurance?

Im looking for cars, and I currently dont have full coverage, which I will need once I get a car I have to finance. Since I dont know if Im going to get the car Im going to look at I'm obviously not going to get the insurance for it before I leave my house! My bf said to call an insurance company and give them the info and get a quote, then if I get the car I can call the insurance co from the dealership and complete it. But I may look at several cars, so I dont know how this works. I thought it would be best to buy the car, go home and take car of the insurance thing and just go pick up the car the next day. Is that nuts?



What private health insurance programs cover gastric bypass?

I've got group health and found out that only employer insurance programs through them include bariatric coverage. Does anyone know of a health insurance program that covers gastric bypass which I can buy on my own without needing to do so through an employer?



Cheap insurance for 22 year old male?

Hello, my insurance is really expensive because of some DMV points and accidents. I am currently with farmers insurance but I need to look for a cheaper insurance. I am a 22 year old male driving a sports car. Which insurance company will I be most likely be able to get as close to $350 per month?



Is USAA a good auto insurance company to go under?

have any of u dealt with USAA before? whether it was their auto insurance, banking etc.and how come there are so many in the military that does not know anything about it?



Car insurance help!!?

ok, im trying to get the cheapest insurance possible. i am 18, i have over a 3.5 in high school, i took drivers ed, and i have never had any problems with the law. oh and if it matters i live in oregon so which car insurance company will be the least expensive?



What trackers reduce car insurance for young drivers?

I have heard of trakers that are said to reduce car insurance, can anyone name the trackers and how much they are said to bring the quote down by? Many thanks



How much will my car insurance go up?

I accidently hit a parked car. No damage to my car. Damages to the other car add up to about $900. I have liability insurance with USAA and wont be paying a deductible. My driving record has been clean for 12 years. Should I just pay out of pocket or file the claim with insurance?? The person who owned the damaged car is a neighbor and said they won't file a claim if I pay them directly. I'm concerned.... if my insurance premiums go up 40% over 5 years then I'd just pay myself. I don't know.. I really can't decide.



What is the cheapest price university in California to study Power Plants for international student?

I'm holding Diploma certificate in Airframe and Power plants, i need to continue my study in US, CAL exactly but i didn't find the perfect university i need a low price university which i can get bachelor degree in it so i need a help please as soon as possible to get start soon.



If I were to start an in home daycare... where is a good place to buy affordable liability insurance in CA?

If I were to start an in home daycare... where is a good place to buy affordable liability insurance in CA?



I have cancelled my car insurance?

I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You



Insurance question?

i just posted a question about buying a new car, im 19 years old, and someone said at my age if i finance a new car i have to get full coverage insurance, is this true? how old do i have to be not to have to do that? what if i buy the car under someone elses name-say my mom or dad? i live in california in case that matters



Does my financed car absolutely require full coverage?

Hi, i just put a down payment on a new car, and I've had it for about a month now; they told me that I have to keep full coverage insurance on it but I really can't afford it. But I read through the papers, and it says just to keep basic insurance on it. Is the car realty trying to make more money by making me think that I have no choice but to do premium insurance, or are they right? My boyfriend told me that if it's not stated officially in writing, they're probably lying. Im 21 and imI've never been in an accident or had a driving offense of any kind, and im in college so need to save as much money as possible. Please give me serious answers only!! Thanks!



My auto insurance cancelling my auto insurance...Help?

My husband caused a hit and run accident last year. After a half year later, my insurance send me a letter that they will cancel my auto insurance. I don't know what to do... Please help.



Can an insurance co.legally drop my homeowners ins.?

Have had insurance with the same company for about 20 or so yrs.Home and auto.They recently tried to make my 60,000 dollar home worth over $100,000,000 and charge me a lot more for ins. and I said no there is no way my home is anywhere near that amount.Next thing I know I got a letter saying my home wasn't up to the standards they require.Is that legal??



Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?

I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?




Hi im coming up 17 soon and am hoping I can pass my driving license. Anyway just wondering on how much a quote would be. Im a full time student looking for a 3rd party only, because im going to be buying a old car to start off, besides the car price how much would it roughly be. I was also considering getting a pass plus and getting a car from group 2 insurance. Any rough ideas on how much it will be? any experiences? btw I cant get on the same as my parents untill 21



How much is insurance for a 17 year old in NY???

I'm thinking on getting a honda prelude 98-2001.


Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074

Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074


How do I determine my house's replacement cost to get an accurate quote from insurance companies?

To get a quote, all of the companies are asking for the replacement cost. I've read that only way to get that is to hire an appraiser. So does that mean I get an appraiser first, THEN start getting insurance quotes? What do I do here?



Car insurance???????????????

im 17 and bout 2 insure my car, iv got 1 year no claims bonus on a moped, can that be used to save money on my car insurance.??



Selling insurance question?

What license/certification does one need to sell and distribute insurance such as home owners, auto, life insurance etc. in the state of Wisconsin. And what schooling if any would someone need to obtain these licenses and or certifications. My grandfather and a friend own a agency that affiliates with another independent agency that allows them access to a large variety of insurers, and they would like me to become apart of business.



In NC I am looking for individual health and dental insurance. Any suggestions on some reliable, affordable?

companies? I just have no idea where to start and what is a good rate. Checked out BCBS of NC but it all looks like gibberish to me.



Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?

Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?



Pregnant, no insurance and make too much money for medicaid. Advice?

I am an independent contractor and have no insurance. I am now pregnant before having a chance to get health insurance. Health insurance once pregnant is way too expensive. I make too much money for government assistance, but not enough to afford private insurance. I'm in a tough spot, and I wonder if anyone has any advice to help me finance my pregnancy.



How do i get car insurance if i dont have a car???

i want to finance a car but i cant do that without insurance, how do i get insurance without a car?



Car insurance, UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!?

UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching car insurance at the moment, what do you think i can expect to pay? Whats a good insurance company to go with? heres my details... 18 year old female, New driver, Pass plus certificate, Insurance group 5 car, the cheapest ive found is 1246.00 is this a normal amount to have to pay??? Thanks :)



Does california law require insurance on motorcycles?

I know the law requires proof in financial liability in the case of accident or injury, and always requires insurance for cars, does it require ins. for motorcycles?



Republican want to ensure that 45 MILLION Americans have NO Health Insurance part of their 'Family Values'?

These are mothers, fathers, children, babies - who have no access to affordable health care - but who still get sick - and who subsequently (quite often) lose their homes to more



Regarding Auto Insurance?

Applied online to AAA for an auto insurance quote.. Currenty with Geico and AAA ssent email offering to beat the rate.. So I completed the app online nad a gal calls me back.. My GF answers the phone and she gives it to me.. So the rep from AAA asks who is living with me and if she drives.. I told her a friend and she doesnt drive, no DL for over 10 years.. So AAA tells me I have to list her on the policy even if she isnt licensed and never drives a car.. So I said No thanks and said goodbye. whats the policy on roommates having to be insured for auto insurance? Not listed on my current GEICO policy.



Looking at Insurance Quotes & found a car under our address that is not ours, what to do?

so my family has been looking at insurance quotes the last couple of days and this random car always shows up under ours address along with the actual cars we have, my parents are worried someone might have used their name or sumthing.. how do we deal with this and who do we ask? on one of the websites I got the last 6 or so digits of the car's vin number. My brother suggested asking police department or the Security of State but who can provide us with this information and what exactly do we ask for ??



In the UK how much do you think it will cost approximatley to get a car,lessons,insurance, etc etc.?

I just was after an estimate so i have an idea of how much money i need to earn by july when im 17 i only want a small car such as a KA or corsa, it doesnt have to be new or anything.



How much more will it cost to add another car to insurance for a teenager with license, already have to cars?

I have already two cars with Mercury insurance, and how much more will the price raise to add a third car to Insurance for a teenager who has license



What is the average homeowners insurance cost in CT for older homes?

Just got quoted an annual premium of $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance in a rural CT town (ISO rated 9/10) for a 300ish year old home in the 250-300k range. That seems exorbitantly high. What are others paying in CT for similar old homes in these quaint new england towns?



Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?

Do you get motorcycle insurance before or after you buy it?



Lying on car insurance...?

what are/or could be any consequences of me lying about my car insurance renewal when i do 26,000miles per year and if i put that i only did 10,000miles my insurance would be alot cheaper it would go from 240p/m to 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would the insurers know how many miles i did per year?



Where can I get liability insurance for my dog?

I'm working at a pet boutique and I can bring my dog to work -- but my boss is asking that I should get liability insurance for him. He's a mini labradoodle. I already have him covered in my renters insurance - but I don't think that it will cover him for work. Where can I get one??



Flipping Cars - Insurance?

A few friends and I are looking into flipping cars while we're in college to make a little extra money. I'm not sure where to turn as far as insurance goes. We're not driving the vehicles ourselves - just parking them until they sell. What kind of coverage would we need and where can we find the best rates for our situation? We would only drive it from the auction house and with potential buyers on test drives. Thanks for the help!



Insurance company messing me around!?

I had my car vandalised and have rang my insurance company. They said my car is written off although the paint and the back screen was only damaged. I was told my car value is only 800 and the excess is 600. Which i did not agree to, last week we came to an agreement of 1,100 for the car and 300 excess I rang yesterday to confirm that my cheque is on the way and they said 650. That they made a mistake about my excess is there anything I can do??? Im completely stuck. Ive been fully comp for the last 3 years and never claimed or never had an accident. But due to two ball less boys im stuck without a car and being pushed around like a doll. Please help!!!



What is a cheap health insurance for a student fixing to go trough nursing school?

I got accepted into nursing school and need health insurance. I do not believe there are any guidelines as long as you have it. I do not have a lot of money and need some affordable health insurance.



Home owners insurance check made out to mortgage company and me?

Evidently my insurance co made out the check to both myself and my mortgage bank (too bad I didn't realize it before I deposited it at the ATM this morning...) for siding and roof hail damage. I was on hold for over 40 minutes today waiting to talk to a rep at the mortgage bank (PNC). I hung up and will call back tomorrow when I have more time to listen to bad music. What's the normal procedure for handling this? The check was only for $6800. I may hold off a bit on some of the repair, and do some of it myself. I've already made arrangements for a window replacement ($900 vs the $450 the ins co gave me). There's a PNC Bank just down the street. Any ideas on whether they can handle it there?



Born abroad car insurance premiums higher?

I have been gathering quotes for car insurance online on confused and was delighted to see the price down at 615 for once as I have been getting car insurance every year since the age 18 and it has always been over 1000. However, just having a quick check over my details to make sure everything I had entered was correct and then I noticed I had ticked the resident from birth box. I was born in Spain as my mother went over there to work and then had me. I was born in 87 and she took me back home in 88 or 89 roughly. (She is a full British citizen born and raised in UK). As I have no contact with my father and I don't even remember being in Spain or nor can I even speak the language well, I feel fully British and also am regarded as a British citizen. My mum also registered me at a british consulate in april 88, just 6 months after I was born. So I put on the form that I became a resident in 1988. I then calculate the prices again and the insurance quotes shoot up with 955 being the cheapest and the rest going up to 1000. I then think back to all the years I have been paying the insurance and building up my no claims and being the perfect driver with no claims despite having to pay the shocking premiums that young people have to pay and this makes me absolutely livid that my insurance goes up by 340 to 400 based on the fact that I was born in Spain and spent 1 year of my life there and the rest of the 23 years as British Citizen raised here. I am just wondering if I could get away with just going ahead and saying that I was a resident from Birth as I have a baby on the way and really wish that my premiums were a reasonable ammount for once or I should go through it and just demand that they bring the premiums down to the 615 like originally quoted! It just makes me really annoyed that they can get away with this kind of stuff and I really don't like the fact that I am having to pay higher premiums just for the sake of it. Any advice on this?



Is it illegal in California to drive an insured car even though you're not insured?

I heard that in the state of California, as long as the car itself is insured, it doesnt matter if the driver himself/herself is insured or not, and that the driver needs to be insured only if he/she is driving a car that isn't insured. Let's say a teen driver wants to drove his/her parents' car, but the teen isn't listed, but not excluded, from the insurance plan. As long as the car is covered, its okay for the teen to drive it. The only exception is if the parents put on the insurance plan that the teen is excluded from the plan ('____ is excluded from the plan'). Is any of this true? Thanks in advance.



Health insurance?

is there any other form of low income insurance in south carolina besides medicaid? im 19 with a baby. i cant work because i dont have anyone to take care of the baby and cant afford daycare. i rely on my parents support. also i live with them. my baby is on medicaid but i am no longer eligible because of my age and i am not disabled


Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074

Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074


How much increase will I expect in my car insurance premium after an accident that was my fault?

I rear-ended a car that in turn rear-ended another car. Damage to my car cost $6500, liability claims against my policy at $5000. Also one driver claimed for bodily injury amounting to $2000. I am insured under Progressive in Texas



How much would car insurance cost with a 2008 kia optima im 17 years old?

i get my lisence in 2 months i live in south florida and im gunna have to pay for my insurace so i need to know so i know how much im gunna have to work



What is the cheapest car insurance?

i am shopping car insurance, any suggestions



The best insurance coverage and prices.?

my daughter is starting to drive in a couple months when she turns 16. i want to know how much is the average price for our insurance. which insurance company covers the best and has the lowest price. i heard some friends say that there son only pays about $75 a month but i really dont know if thats possible. any suggestions? thanks!!!



Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?

Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?



Car insurances how they rate?

different car insurances how they compare



Whats the best auto insurance for a 20 year old girl with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee?

What would be the best and the cheapest auto insurance for a girl 20 years old with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with 6 cyn 4X4 and a security system???? Which one would you consider the cheapest auto insurance?? She got a speeding ticket on 8/8/08 too going 45 in a 30.



Where can I find affordable dental insurance for my father?

He is 50+, I live in Michigan,help please?? I tried looking, but no progress. I want him to get something affordable so he can have better and healthier teeth. Thank you, Jenn



What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?

I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.



Anyone knowing the best/cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?

Hello! I am a young driver (19) who is looking to buy a new 2007 ford mustang (the deep red color). I really want this car but it looks like there is no way that I will be able to afford the auto insurance for this thing. Anyone know the best company for me to speak with? Any advice or tips will help. Thanks!



New Driver Insurance question , Help me out if u can.?

Hi i just passed my test and want to know what Insurance company to go with . Im 25 years old . Just got my self Saxo VTR cheap on Ebay , The issue i have is , I only want insurance for 2 months on the car as im getting better car in 2months Time as the VTR is just temp car for me to start with. Anyone know good Insurance company ? Also Note this is ENGLISH Question. So no Yanks please x x x Thanks



Car insurance excess?

My car is now only worth between 200 - 300 so if it was involved in an accident I doubt the insurance would repair...& write it off. Insurance is due for renewal & I have a 250 voluntary excess, which means that I would end up with nothing in the event of a crash. If I increase my vol. excess to 500 the premium goes down by about 30 which looks like a good idea to me but. If my car was written off due to an accident with another vehicle would I still have to pay the 500 vol. excess towards repair of the other vehicle or does the excess relate only to my car in this situation?



Named driver had crash. Should I tell my car insurance?

Last year my girlfriend has a car crash, she was not at fault. So she didn't tell her insurance company and claimed of the other party. So she is assuming her car insurance does not know. Now I am looking to get insured on my first car. If I add her to my insurance as a named driver the premium is about 200 less. The problem is she doesn't want me to tell the insurance company that she crashed, as they asked has the named driver crash. I am now worried I were to crash, they would see she had crashed and void the insurance. I am tempted just to get my insurance in my name and pay the extra 200 for peace of mind. She will not under any circumstance tell her insurer she crashed as she thinks her premiums will rise. But I have found out that the insurance companies have a database of all claims, so they can easily find out that she has crashed. She refused to allow me to put on my application for insurance that she has crashed. What to do?



Auto Insurance?

i need to renew my auto insurance next month i drive a Infiniti G35 and a Subaru wrx (not STI) can anyone tell me if they have ever purchased insurance for any of these vehicles and where was the cheapest i need full cov. on both. Or just anywhere its cheap, i live in central california (bakersfield) THANKS



Cheapest motorcycle insurance?

I'm looking forward to getting a motorcycle and I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance you can get. I'm not looking for companies at the moment, I just want to know what's the cheapest plan for almost any insurance company. .



Insurance for 17 y/o driving landrover defender '93 UK ANSWERS ONLY?

My dad's thinking of getting an old landrover defender '93 for towing our boat, and off roading and shooting etc. and i want to know when my time comes to driving will i be able to drive it, weather its under my dad's insurance or my own, how much will it cost??? B




Ok here is the deal-we are on my husbands military insurance and we were under the impression we could add my mother if she was our dependent-however we can't unless she is declared legally incompetent which she is not. However she is 60, very sick, with a preexisting condition (diabetes,lupus, and depression). She can apply for disability but has been waiting on documentation forever-so that's not an option right now. I feel terrible because we told her she could be under ours because we were originally told she could be-and now I have to tell her otherwise which will be awful. Does anyone have any ideas for affordable insurance for her. She doesn't qualify for Medicaid and we live in KY thanks-and please no smart *** remarks or anything this is a serious question and I need all the help I can get.



USAA Full coverage auto insurance covering theft?

Last night my husband and I were hanging out with some friends and someone broke into all of our vehicles and stole stuff. However, my husband and I drive a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer and it was locked, yet someone managed to get in without causing any damage whatsoever and stealing our xbox 360. Weird thing is, my purse was in the car with everything in it, and so were the guitars for guitar hero and our entire CD case, and the only thing that was stolen was the xbox...Weird I know. We go through USAA and have full coverage. My question for anybody who knows or has a good guess is, do you think that our insurance would cover that? We don't have a receipt or anything since it was bought so long ago. Thanks for all your answers in advance and remember best answer gets 10 points =] Happy answering! Amberly



Free health insurance for the unemployed?

i am unemployed and have no health insurance. is there a program in pa. where i can get health insurance for free or at a very low price?



What is the cheapest car insurance company in Ohio for first time teen drivers?

I 16 and about to get a car but need to know the cheapest insurance company in ohio for teens.



Who has the best disability insurance?

Hi, I want to find out who has the best disability insurance. I work with my hands a lot doing home rehabs, and after a run-in with a spider bite on my right hand, I figured I need to get some insurance due to the nature of my outside activities. Has anyone purchased a supplemental insurance plan? If yes, did it pay out well? Do you like the company? Thanks!



What is a insurance and tell me about it?

tell me about different types of insurances



Insurance on a 05 Polo?

I'm 17 and wondering around how much would it cost to get insurance on my mums 2005 volkswagen Polo under her name? Thanks



Can you insure two people separately on the same car?

My girlfriend is doing her lessons and driving to work and having her own car would cost more than it does to get the bus with price of parking, and I don't want to put her on my insurance so would she be able to insure her self on my car as well on a different policy?



What is the best health insurance's for myself?

added info im 22 years old with no medical problems.


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Sunbury Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43074